Southest Asia in Transition: Re-thinking Education, Science and Culture of Regional Integration

The Southeast Asian region has set for itself the goal of ASEAN Community by 2015. Through this goal of community-building, Southeast Asia hopes to create an integrated and highly competitive economic region, enhance governance and rule of law and lift the quality of life of its peoples.

The Southeast Asian  region has set  for  itself  the goal of ASEAN Community by 2015.  Through  this goal of
community-building,  Southeast Asia  hopes  to  create  an  integrated  and  highly  competitive  economic  region,
enhance governance and rule of law and lift the quality of life of its peoples.
The key  for  the region  to attain  the goal of regional  integration  is  through providing  its peoples with equitable
access to human development opportunities.
Provision  of  adequate  and  labor  market-responsive  human  development  opportunities  means  that  the
countries will need to change the way it is educating its students and training its human resources.
Education systems then should be able to provide citizens with skills requisite of and responsive to the region's
integration goals.
Now, more  than ever,  it  is  imperative  for  the  region  to  're-think' and  're-shape' education  for  it  to successfully
play out its role in promoting regional growth and integration.

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