International Network
International network of Thai Nguyen University mission
Network's Acronym: INET
I. Purposes of the Network:
The INET is expected to:
1. Set-up effective linkage/network III the development and promotion of
international collaboration with TNU's international linkages;
2. Develop global image of the university through e-links /google; and
3. Develop social structure that will foster a broad cross-cultural exchange between
and among international student groups.
II. Organizational Structure
Duties and Functions
There are four members in the INET Managing Board: A chairman, a vice chairman, an advisor and a coordinating officer.
The Chairman is responsible for the management, development, and the effective performance of the network, and likewise provides leadership for all aspects of the network's activities.
The Vice-Chairman assists the Chairman in the management and development of the network and acts as moderator at all network activities.
The Advisor assists the INET Chairman to propose plans, ideas, and opinions in carrying out the activities of the network.
The Coordinating Officer acts as contact person of the network. She keeps records and attends to all correspondences of the network. She organizes network conferences and prepares documents as well as background materials of the network, subject to the approval of the network chairman. In addition, she takes charge in updating network activities and events and provides network publicity.
In the year of2012, the members ofINET Managing Board are:
1. Associate Professor Dang Kim Vui, Ph. D. - President ofTNU- Chairman
2. Associate Professor Dr. Dang Van Minh, Ph.D. - Director of Department ofInternational Affairs - Vice-Chairman
3. Professor Olivia P. Magpily - Advisor
4. Nguyen Thi Hoa - Staff of the Department of International Affairs - Coordinating Officer
Thai Nguyen University